• Workshops

    All workshops will be held in Nottoway in the Sheraton. See the schedule for times.

    So, You Want to Teach a Digital History Class? — Jeff McClurken

    This workshop will be aimed at working through the practical and pedagogical choices about creating a digital history course. We will explore sample syllabi, discuss potential projects, survey various tools, and identify obvious and not-so-obvious pitfalls to constructing a class that engages students in the scholarship and practice related to digital history.  [Links for this workshop with a tentative schedule can be found here.]

    Disruptive Pedagogy — Mills Kelly

    The focus of this workshop will be on thinking about the fundamental values of our discipline and how we might use more disruptive forms of pedagogy to get students to think carefully and critically about those values. Mills Kelly will describe the goals and outcomes of his course Lying About the Past, which asks students to perpetrate historical hoaxes on an unsuspecting public, and will help workshop participants begin to develop their own disruptive courses.

    The Basics of  Digital Mapping — Dan Cohen

    The focus of this workshop will  be getting started with using Google Earth for history.  Topics include introduction to the basic concepts of digital mapping, overlaying historical maps, adding various reference points, and touring.

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