Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

  • Session notes for the Classrooms and Learning Spaces Discussion


    Add your own notes or just check out the session here.

  • MapStorytelling


    We are building a new dimension to the global data commons at that empowers users to “crowd source” data within a geospatial and temporal framework and represent these data in a standardized, searchable format (to include geospatial and temporal/chronological search), and in such a way that these data can easily be accessed, analyzed and visualized – particularly geospatially and temporally.

    In this session we would like to engage participants in an open discussion that hits on several of the universal questions posed by the process of MapStorytelling – i.e. how to facilitate quality peer review in an open environment, how to insert time into the current geo-spatial mix, what features are vital for enhancing the richness of narratives, how to deal responsibly with Creative Commons and Open Database licenses, etc.

    We’ll start by introducing the alpha version of, the concept of MapStorytelling as we are thinking about it to-date, and the questions we struggle with, and will then open up the floor for discussion.


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    We are proposing a combined MAKE and TALK session:

    For the Talk– Are our present concerns about “information overload” and “digital distraction” and the need for “Walden zones” and “digital
    sabbaths” simply a form of “moral panic?”  Are they merely the latest iteration of longstanding fears about the new and unknown? Didn’t
    earlier generations’ worry about the way that movies, or rock and roll, or television,  were affecting America’s youth?  Or are our
    present worries something to be taken seriously?  What insights can the humanities bring to bear in answering these questions?

    For the Make–What digital technologies might help to alleviate the concerns about distractions enumerated above?  Here’s a cartoon storyline idea for one such ap:

    Susan Matt and Luke Fernandez are jointly proposing this.

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