This month Ithaka released this report: supporting-the-changing-research-practices-of-historians. I would be interested discussing how this report may act a springboard for winder discussions on the role of libraries and archives (henceforth just using libraries) and those who staff these institutions.
My interest comes from three different concerns. I am the librarian responsible for most of the topics covered at NYU’s Department of History (along with a few other departments). I am on the board of the International Association of Labour History Institutions, a group of research institutions, predominantly European and of varying sizes, that focus on social history. And last and closely tied to the previous two, I am working historian who has published a work in print and a significantly enhanced version digitally.
My talk proposal is related to but somewhat different than Mary-Allen Johnson’s post. I am more interested in discussing the future role(s) of the library in historical scholarship. Where is it collaborative and where is it supportive.